New ProductsDetails:Motivation / Love, Stim, Enhance (Strong) / 30 Minutes / The Motivation dose is a pure unadulterated powerful motivational and vibrational force that will drive you to do anything you heart desires. Break apart couch lock and take a dedicated powerful approach to getting things done. After listening, you will have a VERY influential desire to get things done, accumulate success, and dominate the day. This dose is an essential to any collection and a perfect dose before work, school, or any big endeavor that needs to be conquered. Details:Masculine Confidence / Love, Stim, Enhance (Strong) / 30 Minutes / The Masculine Confidence dose is not only intended for males, but for anyone looking to take a masculine mindset to conversation, work or school situations, social or friend conditions, and more. An Alpha Leader quality could persuade those you are trying to convince and give you leadership intent. Take a more management role in your interactions, feel more confident, and take control in a very subtle masculine forward driven experience that may give great social interaction results. Details:Feminine Confidence / Love, Stim, Enhance (Strong) / 30 Minutes / Despite the name, the Feminine Confidence dose is not wholly intended for just females. Males, in addition, have a Feminine side and it is VERY beneficial to adjust and tune this adjacent of self for better motivation and understanding to both gender sides. This dose gently eases you into subtle conversation with a low level confidence booster. It will not make you an Alpha Leader, but it will give you subtle undertones that will be subconsciously picked up by both genders, giving you a level of understanding not held by most who focus on specific gender roles. You will find both genders will react positively to this, giving you a whole-gender social edge. Details:Circle of Friends / Love, Stim, Enhance (Strong) / 30 Minutes / The Circle of Friends dose has two-fold intent. To keep a social mindset so you can find, keep, and maintain strong connections through brainwave stimulation. Also is an attitude to make, retain, and preserve positive friendship bonds. In addition, it has social stimulus to help you be the Alpha of the circle. A combination of motivation, confidence, love, aspiration, and drive help make you lead, keep, maintain, and find a powerful Circle of Friends. Details:Spinal Activation / RX, Stim, Enhance (Very Strong) / 45 Minutes / The spine is the root, and can be the base for all other healing or activations. The first activation is to clear energy blocks of the central vertical power current that brings life force energy into the body and through the chakra system, sometimes producing a warm healing energy. The second activation works with energy blocks affecting the transmission of energy through the nervous system where the spinal nerves exit from the spinal cord through the nerve foramina. This is a full on spinal energy activation. Details:Pituitary Gland Activation / RX, Stim, Enhance (Very Strong) / 45 Minutes / This dose is a direct attempt to stimulate the pituitary gland of the brain. While perfect in sequence with other doses in the Stimulation Line, this will also work well as a single dose boost. Hormones secreted from the pituitary gland help control: growth, blood pressure, certain functions of the sex organs, thyroid glands and metabolism as well as some aspects of pregnancy, childbirth, nursing, the kidneys, temperature regulation and pain relief. Can be an all-natural HGH, and thyroid stimulator. Details:Pineal Gland Activation / RX, Stim, Enhance (Very Strong) / 45 Minutes / This dose attempts to activate the pineal gland of the brain. The famous philosopher Descartes described the pineal gland as the principal seat of the soul, and we consider this dose to be an integral base for any user looking for stimulate specific areas of the mind. How you think and feel every day depends on the pineal gland. This tiny organ regulates your daily and seasonal circadian rhythms, the sleep-wake patterns that determine your hormone levels, stress levels, and physical performance. Details:Cerebral Activation / RX, Stim, Enhance (Very Strong) / 45 Minutes / This dose attempts to stimulate the outer most area of the brain known as the Cerebral Cortex. This dose may be useful to higher thought processes including speech and decision making, memory, attention, perception, cognition, awareness, thought, language, and consciousness. Some have found this dose to be beneficial to Third Eye activation, and works well as a science-base for other spiritual level doses. Details:Cerebellum Activation / RX, Stim, Enhance (Very Strong) / 45 Minutes / The Cerebellum Brain Activation dose attempts to stimulate the area of the brain responsible for balance and coordination of muscles and the body. It is especially beneficial for voluntary activities like writing, reading, or any activity involving the muscular system. It may also be beneficial to vision and motor learning, learning a new language or conversation, and may also have a positive effect on mood. Details:Third Eye / Love, Stim, Calm, Enhance (Strong) / 1 Hour / Open your Third Eye, but also maintain purest of vision, with this soul visualization dose that has been years in the making. The third eye, also called the minds eye or inner eye, is a mystical and esoteric concept of a speculative invisible eye which provides perception beyond ordinary sight. This dose turns it from concept to reality and is intended to spur deep revelations and thoughts in order to better process ideas, make decisions, or have futuristic insight. Take a listen and see what you see. You might be shocked. |