
Experimental, Collector and Premium doses for next-level dosing experiences.

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A-BOMB / Recreational (VERY STRONG) / 30 Minutes BOOOOM! That is your brain on A-BOMB! And it works just like that: It starts with a low upramp of emotional feelings that seep into the deep crevices of your brain, hardly there, with hardly any effect at all in the beginning. You feel something, that is for sure, as the dose begins to slowly work its way into your mind. A bit a bit of euphoria, that slight cold-sweat your body makes to warm you that something is happening. Not the strongest dose, so far. Not even all that great. Then, it hits! BOOOM! The A-BOMB goes off and the hrz level propels you into the deepest reaches of space where there is NO reality, which is why this dose is often called the reality buster. A-BOMB mixes everything we know about how binaural doses can effect you, and ramps it up times infinity. We get constant emails about this favorite, and they all say basically the same thing: IT BLEW MY MIND! Exactly.
Sale: $2.81

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Abduction / Premium (EXTREME) / 45 Minutes Abduction attempts to recreate primal feelings associated with a close encounter: Loss of perceived origin, detachment, and a strong disconnection to everything earthly kicks-off a journey through space and time. Abduction may dislodge memories, give interstellar or otherworldly knowledge and open visitation pathways that may have remained closed. Fear and disrupted dreams may be a side-effect as you become more open to encounters and abductions.
Sale: $3.94

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AfterMath / Stimulant (VERY STRONG) / 30 Minutes This is a new designer drug that hits hard. There is no mellow upbring like many of our doses have - this one rocks, and doesn't let up until it is over. Prepare for a feeling of well-being, exhilaration and euphoria, with a massive increase in alertness and energy as any fatigue gets wiped from your body... you will actually go through such a rush that it leaves you bombed. This is why we call this hot designer dose AFTERMATH!
Sale: $2.81

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Amour / Love Premium (STRONG) / 45 Minutes Amour is a simulation of a full cycle love and loss. While we have many doses that bring the feeling of warmth or love, Amour takes it one step further. You cycle through the feeling of first love, then comfort, and then loss. There is a segment of deep sadness somewhere in the depths of this sequence, but we couldn’t end there. The dose happily ends with an uplifting stretch of hope and regained love. While somewhat poetic in its nature, amour is a favorite extreme love dose.
Sale: $5.06

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Bath Salts

Bath Salts

Bath Salts / Drug (EXTREME) / 1 Hour Bath Salts is a binaural dose intended to simulate the effects of an insanely dangerous synthetic drug mixture. Ivory Wave, Purple Wave, Vanilla Sky, and Bliss- no matter the street name, you can now attempt to feel the effects of this dangerous concoction without any of the dangers. Warning: This is a strong mixture of attempted hallucinogenic-delusional type properties, extreme superhuman strength and combativeness, and powerful stimulant effects- but with an extremely dark edge. This mixture is intended for advanced binaural doing only.
Sale: $5.06

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BigBangX6 / Premium (EXTREME) / 6 Hours BigBangX6 is the first ever 6 hour intense dose! This is marked Premium as it is intended to be listened to for 6 hours straight, so it is highly experimental and uncontrollable. Dose start time should either full day or full night. Try not to bleed night and day. Using complex time and day simulation for a full 6 hours lets this dose explore depths that none have ever: sensory deprivation, enlightening, spiritual and physical awakening, depth despair, cross-sense exploration such as smelling colors or seeing sound are often obtained in a full 6 hour rollercoaster of brain manipulation. NOTE: Due to the 6 hour length, you may not be able to export to MP3 using IDOSER PREMIUM.
Sale: $22.46

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Black Sunshine / Recreational (VERY STRONG) / 35 Minutes You know a dose is good when all of a sudden our email box is spammed with high regards for a specific dose. That happened when White Crosses was released, another popular dose of ours. All everyone could talk about was White Crosses. Black Sunshine can be considered our first sequel dose. From the team who created White Crosses, comes BLACK SUNSHINE. They said they could do a dose just as good or better than White Crosses, and everybody laughed. Well, THEY DID IT! BLACK SUNSHINE is the anti-stimulant. I wish we could easily put into words what this dose does, but it is so beyond words... let's try: It takes your brain and twists it so that everything shines with a beautiful glow, then it goes beyond and reverses all that glow deep inside you. There is no sunshine when you are looking face to face with your soul, and Black Sunshine puts you in a room with your soul and lets you two talk it out, but without talking....
Sale: $2.44

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Death / Premium Spirit (EXTREME) / 45 Minutes This dose is part of our Macabre line of dark-dose experiences and comes after hundreds of requests from fans who want to experience the darker sides of life or, more specifically, of death. While we have doses like Suicide that adds the addition of pain and a darker element, the easier Twilight dose and the refined NDE experience of Near Death – the Death dose is all out complete darkness and the unknown. It has the potential for both beautiful vistas and absolute evil. We don’t ease you in, we drop you head first. We don’t ease you out, we yank you by your feet in sometimes painful ways. The voices may be angelic or demonic, and only the dose listener can really describe this truly chaotic adventure. Please. Advanced dosers only.
Sale: $3.75

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Designer Pack

Designer Pack

Designer Pack / Premium (VERY STRONG) Our Designer Pack contains all of our super-powerful Designer Doses! You get Prozium, Divinorum, and Genesis. With Genesis: The universe was created with a bang, and we offer you Genesis so you can feel that explosion deep inside. The Prozium Dose will smooth over your soul. You will never feel so even. Finally, Divinorum was designed to give you inner insight, a view inside, and a deep trip into your soul. Get ready for one of the most spiritual trips possible through an I-Doser dose. Our designer doses are some of the most powerful doses available! Included Doses: Prozium / VERY STRONG / 30 Minutes Divinorum / VERY STRONG / 30 Minutes Genesis / VERY STRONG / 30 Minutes
$6.50  $6.50
Sale: $4.88

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Divinorum / Stimulant (VERY STRONG) / 30 Minutes Divine: To see in new light the world around you, shimmering. Divinorum is the result of 2 months of testing and the only dose to be created by the creator and visionary behind I-Doser. It is her baby. When we say this is a very strong dose, we are not kidding. It was designed to give you inner insight, a view inside, and a deep trip into your soul. Take this dose in the dark, on your bed, and get ready for one of the most spiritual trips possible through an I-Doser dose. I have seen inside myself, and not everything is clear.
Sale: $2.25

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