Experimental, Collector and Premium doses for next-level dosing experiences.
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Fifth Dimension / Stim, Calm, Enhance, Premium (INTENSE) / 2 Hours The Fifth Dimension is the ultimate metaphysical conceptual travel dose. This is a whole new level of reality in which a consciousness of love, compassion, peace and spiritual wisdom prevails. This is the TRUE Higher Dimension. You will experience harmony and synchronization, experiencing oneness with all of life, fully respecting and being respected by all and everything. Love and compassion flowing through all communications. There is no fear in the Fifth Dimension, so truthful inward awakenings may occur, but you will comfortably accept them. |

Genesis / Stimulant (VERY STRONG) / 30 Minutes The universe was created with a bang, and we offer you Genesis so you can feel that explosion deep inside. At the start it will feel like a little spark, you will have to concentrate to feel it, like a tiny match burning deep in your soul. By halfway though the dose, the spark will be a forest fire consuming everything that is dark or bad inside you. Bad feelings wash away in this incredible soul-fire. By the end of the dose, your body will be shaking under an explosion of heat, you may feel jittery, alive, awake, and shaking when the final minutes of Genesis hit you: the Big Bang of your soul. When the dose is over, you will feel new, washed away in the incredible fire. Words can not describe the complete wash of this soul bomb: Genesis. |
$2.75 Sale: $2.06
Divinorum / Stimulant (VERY STRONG) / 30 Minutes Divine: To see in new light the world around you, shimmering. Divinorum is the result of 2 months of testing and the only dose to be created by the creator and visionary behind I-Doser. It is her baby. When we say this is a very strong dose, we are not kidding. It was designed to give you inner insight, a view inside, and a deep trip into your soul. Take this dose in the dark, on your bed, and get ready for one of the most spiritual trips possible through an I-Doser dose. I have seen inside myself, and not everything is clear. |
$3.00 Sale: $2.25
Black Sunshine / Recreational (VERY STRONG) / 35 Minutes You know a dose is good when all of a sudden our email box is spammed with high regards for a specific dose. That happened when White Crosses was released, another popular dose of ours. All everyone could talk about was White Crosses. Black Sunshine can be considered our first sequel dose. From the team who created White Crosses, comes BLACK SUNSHINE. They said they could do a dose just as good or better than White Crosses, and everybody laughed. Well, THEY DID IT! BLACK SUNSHINE is the anti-stimulant. I wish we could easily put into words what this dose does, but it is so beyond words... let's try: It takes your brain and twists it so that everything shines with a beautiful glow, then it goes beyond and reverses all that glow deep inside you. There is no sunshine when you are looking face to face with your soul, and Black Sunshine puts you in a room with your soul and lets you two talk it out, but without talking.... |
$3.25 Sale: $2.44
White Crosses / Recreational (VERY STRONG) / 30 Minutes White Crosses is a strange one. When the team that invented this dose showed it at our monthy dose meeting, it was greeted with a bunch of confused faces. Describe it, we said. OK. White Crosses is a simple stimulant that brings a sense of euphoria, openness, and intellectual expansion. There can be a mild psychedelic component as the new user feels they see the world a little differently. The sensation of mind-expansion and openness quickly fade after the first few uses and physical and mental stimulation dominate the experiential effects. It is a hybrid designer dose for experienced users. Fine. When we put on the headphones, and White Crosses finished, we couldn't believe it. This underground bastard-dose that has been talked about in the halls of I-Doser Labs turned out to blow the minds of everyone who tried it. THAT says a lot for White Crosses. |
$3.50 Sale: $2.63
A-BOMB / Recreational (VERY STRONG) / 30 Minutes BOOOOM! That is your brain on A-BOMB! And it works just like that: It starts with a low upramp of emotional feelings that seep into the deep crevices of your brain, hardly there, with hardly any effect at all in the beginning. You feel something, that is for sure, as the dose begins to slowly work its way into your mind. A bit a bit of euphoria, that slight cold-sweat your body makes to warm you that something is happening. Not the strongest dose, so far. Not even all that great. Then, it hits! BOOOM! The A-BOMB goes off and the hrz level propels you into the deepest reaches of space where there is NO reality, which is why this dose is often called the reality buster. A-BOMB mixes everything we know about how binaural doses can effect you, and ramps it up times infinity. We get constant emails about this favorite, and they all say basically the same thing: IT BLEW MY MIND! Exactly. |
$3.75 Sale: $2.81
AfterMath / Stimulant (VERY STRONG) / 30 Minutes This is a new designer drug that hits hard. There is no mellow upbring like many of our doses have - this one rocks, and doesn't let up until it is over. Prepare for a feeling of well-being, exhilaration and euphoria, with a massive increase in alertness and energy as any fatigue gets wiped from your body... you will actually go through such a rush that it leaves you bombed. This is why we call this hot designer dose AFTERMATH! |
$3.75 Sale: $2.81
ZeroGravity / Experimental (EXTREME) / 1 Hour You don’t have your own spaceship, but now you can feel like you do. This experimental dose simulates the intense effects of zero gravity. It starts with the intense reaction to instant weightlessness known as space adaptation syndrome or space sickness. In addition to the euphoria of free-floating or flying, side effects could include lethargy, and overall malaise. This should quickly pass as the brain adjusts to the new environment and the dose levels out into a nice float. |
$3.95 Sale: $2.96
Safe Haven / Stim, Calm, Enhance, Premium (INTENSE) / 2 Hours Safe Haven works as a general cerebral, travel, and physical protection dose. The intensity comes in the additional fortification for astral, out of body, and dimensional travel. Surviving the mental exhaustion of portals and vortexes or the intense destinations of otherworld dimensions and metaphysical locations like the fifth dimension requires insurance. The Red Umbrella, a physical manifestation of a protective barrier, is your safe haven for all these experiences, and a requirement. |
$4.00 Sale: $3.00
Teleport / Stim, Calm, Enhance, Premium (INTENSE) / 2 Hours Teleletransportation is the transfer of matter or energy from one point to another without traveling the physical space between. While this not true physical quantum physical transport, it is the mental manifestation of teleportation. Think of this as your highway to astral, out of body, or metaphysical experiences. It is highly recommended you use a mental protection dose like the Safe Haven dose, especially for your first few teleportations. During the moments you are traveling you can be spiritually unprotected from the outside by unknown forces. Your teleport destination is up to you, but may be random until you learn control. Visualize, practice, protect. |
$4.00 Sale: $3.00
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