
Experimental, Collector and Premium doses for next-level dosing experiences.

Product Image Item Name- Price
Macabre Pack

Macabre Pack

Macabre Pack / Spirit Premium (EXTREME) I-Doser is dedicated to providing experiences to our users no matter their preference (sexual, physical spiritual and otherwise). We very often get requests for doses that lean towards the darker side of life, and we have certainly provided some of those experiences in the past, we have never gone this deep. We decided to collect some of our darkest simulations into a singular entity we call the Macabre Pack. While not for everyone, feeling the profound obscurity of doses like Twilight, Suicide, NearDeath (or NDE), and Death should be judged as seeing a dark that gives contrast to the light. For those true explorers who have asked for these experiences again and again, we offer you our best-try darkest simulations, and ask that you view the light as much as you do the dark. Included Doses: Death / EXTREME / 45 Minutes NearDeath / EXTREME / 45 Minutes Suicide / EXTREME / 45 Minutes Twlight / EXTREME / 45 Minutes
Sale: $11.25

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Meow Meow

Meow Meow

Meow Meow / Premium (EXTREME) / 1 Hour Attempted simulation of the street drug Mephedrone, commonly referred to as Meow Meow. As innocuous as the name sounds, Meow Meow could be the most gruesome of all recreational drug reproductions. The actual amphetamine caused a recent user to engage in horrific self-mutilation. Our recreation tries to simulate the recreational experience with undertones of nightmarish qualities. A potent concoction that may cause effects similar to a combination of MDMA, cocaine, and alcohol – all topped with nightmare sleep qualities, morbid thoughts, and equally low valleys as peaks. For experienced dosers who want to attempt something extreme.
Sale: $5.00

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Miracle Tone

Miracle Tone

Miracle Tone / Love, Stim, Calm, Enhance, Premium (INTENSE) / 1 Hour The World Famous Miracle Tone has often been imitated but none have matched the absolute vibrational pureness of the iDoser refined Miracle Tone session. This tone is a Harmonic Fibonacci Spiral Pulsing at the Rate of Pi for 60 minutes. Produced in real time with the processing power of your computer. No other Miracle Tone session can match the purity of this session for refinement, clarification, enlightenment, awakening inner strength, self realization, and Zen healing.
Sale: $3.94

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NearDeath (NDE)

NearDeath (NDE)

NearDeath / Premium Spirit (EXTREME) / 45 Minutes This dose is part of our Macabre line of dark-dose experiences and comes after hundreds of requests from fans who want to experience the darker sides of life or, more specifically, of death. While we certainly have death-experiencing doses, both with and without the addition of pain. We have the lighter Twilight dose, but that cuts short of a near death or NDE experience. This one brings you exactly to the edge, gives you pause to witness and remember, then pulls you back to reality rather comfortably. The randomness comes from what you may witness while peering over the border of life and death, so still extreme and advanced in every sense of the word.
Sale: $3.75

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Nightmare / Premium Spirit Calm (EXTREME) / 1 Hour This is an attempted simulation of an extreme horrific nightmare, with additional dark alignment and spiritual gate opening. Designed to be administered just before sleep, you will drift off to potentially some of the most vivid and dark visions you have ever seen – limited only by your imagination and what could be on the other side. Not for those unafraid of what lurks in the deep recesses of your mind, while asleep in the darkness.
Sale: $3.19

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OverDose / Experimental (EXTREME) / 1 Hour This dose leans on the side of uncomfortable pain as we attempt to binaurally simulate the extreme panic, fear and intensity of an overdose. Extreme waves of overheating, very shaky hands, rigid muscles, panic attack, extreme paranoia, extreme anxiety, dizziness and flushed, sky-high pulse and a pounding overtaking heart. You may feel shock. You may feel confusion. This could be intensity on the level of a full on anxiety attack.
Sale: $7.46

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Recreational Extreme Pack

Recreational Extreme Pack

Recreational Extreme Pack / Drug Stim (EXTREME) The Recreational Extreme Pack is for dosers who want to try something outside the norm, with powerful results and intense hits unlike anything you have ever felt. Included are 5 doses that will truly push the limits including Sizzurp, NBomb, Meow Meow, Krokodil, and Bath Salts. These are simulations that cause truly intense simulations. Advanced dosers only please. Included Doses: Sizzurp / EXTREME / 60 Minutes NBomb / EXTREME / 60 Minutes Meow Meow / EXTREME / 60 Minutes Krokodil / EXTREME / 60 Minutes Bath Salts / EXTREME / 60 Minutes
Sale: $18.75

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Safe Haven

Safe Haven

Safe Haven / Stim, Calm, Enhance, Premium (INTENSE) / 2 Hours Safe Haven works as a general cerebral, travel, and physical protection dose. The intensity comes in the additional fortification for astral, out of body, and dimensional travel. Surviving the mental exhaustion of portals and vortexes or the intense destinations of otherworld dimensions and metaphysical locations like the fifth dimension requires insurance. The Red Umbrella, a physical manifestation of a protective barrier, is your safe haven for all these experiences, and a requirement.
Sale: $3.00

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Salamander Brandy

Salamander Brandy

Salamander Brandy / Premium Drug (EXTREME) / 45 Minutes Salamander Brandy is a simulation of s psychedelic drink between media myth and practice of home alcohol distillation in Slovenia. This is the creation of a hallucinogenic experience in an attempt to simulate the addition of a mind-blowing salamander in alcohol, and the toxic mucous it oozes from its glands that both causes crazy deliriums and drunken stupor unlike anything you may have ever experienced. Advanced users only, as many find this to me one of our most intense experiences.
Sale: $3.75

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Satan's Jackhammer

Satan's Jackhammer

Satan's Jackhammer / Premium (VERY STRONG) / 1 Hour As seen on the hit TV show “1000 Ways to Die,” Satan’s Jackhammer is an influential premium dose that operates in subsonic ranges to achieve a powerful, religious, spiritual, and sometimes intense experience beyond the scope of an average doser. This dose has been tested and posted as reference only (not for general consumption) because of it’s reported effects: forbidding, terrifying, menacing. BUT, those that have pushed through it extremely forceful 1 hour mark have also called it life-changing and enlightening.
Sale: $50.00

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