
Take a trip above and beyond with our highly researched Spirit line of doses.

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Travel Time

Travel Time

Travel Time / Spirit Enhance (Intense) / 60 Minutes / Our Time Travel dose is part of the Journey Pack. This dose can be your own personal time machine. Start by picking a thought point in either the past, or a projected future. Play this dose and focus on that thought, visualize, and attempt to travel to that point in time. Use before bed to attempt astral time travel as this may be easier to begin with. Once mastered use any time of the day to project yourself anywhere in virtual time. Marked intense, because future of past travelers may attempt communication. Refrain from traveler communication on your first few trips.
Sale: $3.00

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Astral Projection / Sleep (VERY STRONG) / 30 Minutes Astral projection (or astral travel) is an interpretation of out-of-body experiences (OBEs) achieved either awake or via lucid dreaming, deep meditation, or the use of psychotropics. Proponents of astral projection maintain that their consciousness or soul has transferred into an astral body (or "double"), which moves in tandem with the physical body in a parallel world known as the astral plane. The concept of astral projection has been around for thousands of years, dating back to ancient China. Astral projection is also known as "Soul Travel." Take this dose in a dark room, lay back, and see what it feels like to have your entire soul leave your physical body and go on a journey.
Sale: $2.96

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Ayahuasca / Hallucinogenic (Strong) / 45 Minutes Ayahuasca is any of various psychoactive infusions or decoctions prepared from the Banisteriopsis vine, usually mixed with the leaves of dimethyltryptamine DMT-containing species of shrubs from the genus Psychotria. The brew employs for divinatory and healing purposes and this dose attempts to recreate the profound psychological and spiritual healing, accompanied by personal insight and integration breaking even profound depressive episodes in a single use. The Ayahuasca Effect attempts to produce an intense and positive integrative experience with lasting beneficial effects from use of the dose.
Sale: $2.81

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Chakra Ajna

Chakra Ajna

Chakra Ajna / Spiritual (VERY STRONG) / 45 Minutes / Be assisted in opening your third eye. Deep conscience, intuition and clarity beyond anything you may have ever experienced. This chakra also governs all other chakras, so it is a perfect starter dose to the chakra series. When this chakra is in balance we are able to tune in to our inner knowing, trusting our intuition, and tapping into our creative imagination. A balanced Ajna chakra allows us to integrate logical thinking with intuition so that we may move through the world better able to make balanced decisions.
Sale: $2.81

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Chakra Muladhara

Chakra Muladhara

Charka Muladhara / Spiritual (VERY STRONG) / 45 Minutes / Reestablish your stable ground. Muladhara is the root chakra. With associations to the earth, expect a sequence designed to enhance qualities including survival, family, and a strong primal strength. When feeling disconnected in any way, begin by focusing on your connection to the ground, use our chakra series and especially Muladhara to solidify your stance on life. You will feel more secure, constant and secure. Tap into the main energy channel that runs up the spine, and begin to establish a more grounded life.
Sale: $2.81

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Chakra Sahasrara

Chakra Sahasrara

Charka Sahasrara / Spiritual (VERY STRONG) / 45 Minutes / This is the chakra of our divine center located at the crown of the head. Sahasrara is infinity, and the chakra is associated with the consciousness element. These tones are designed to help you experience divinity and limitless wisdom. You may have you veil lifted. You may experience secrets of life. Expect flashes of knowledge, open thought, freeform connection to everything and all that is. Mind chatter that clouds your perception becomes clear when in tune to Sahasrara. Turn your perception on its head so that you can see the world from a different angle, guided by Sahasrara.
Sale: $2.81

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Chakra Swadhisthana

Chakra Swadhisthana

Charka Swadhisthana / Spiritual (VERY STRONG) / 45 Minutes / Swadhisthana governs sex, sexuality and the genitals. One of the best ways to move through sexual matters is to incorporate our advanced chakra tonal sequences with thoughts of sexuality and love reflection. Fell the waves of intense joy when under the guidance of Swadhisthana and the soundtrack to the journey. You may gain awareness, empowerment and freedom. It is better to work with Swadhisthana energy than try to avoid or suppress it. Not only will this increase your energy, it will help refine it. The high functioning aspect of Swadhisthana is the ability to enjoy, and you will, but only if you give yourself fully to the journey.
Sale: $2.81

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Clairvoyance / Spirit (Extreme) / 1 Hour / We attempt the unattainable, and with that we give you the chance to perceive things or events in the future or beyond normal sensory contact. With the only intent to tune extra sensory perception, our Clairvoyance dose opens gates that may allow you to create invisible and magical sensors at a specific location that could enable you to hear or see almost as if you were there. Side effects may include hearing of voices from afar, sense of disembodiment as links are made, and strong surges of knowledge.
Sale: $2.81

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Deja Senti

Deja Senti

Deja Senti / Enhance Spirit (Strong) / 30 Minutes / Deja Senti is part of our perception line of doses. While it may seem very similar to our Deja Vu dose, there is a very distinct and dramatic difference. Our Deja Senti experience has to do exclusively with human emotion and the uncanny feeling that you have already felt something, even without fully understanding when or how. While Deja Vu does attempt to open parallel and spiritual doors in the process, Senti is completely natural, inner, personal and without any paranormal or spiritual guidance or activity.
Sale: $2.81

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Deja Vu

Deja Vu

Deja Vu / Enhance Spirit (Strong) / 30 Minutes / Deja Vu is part of our perception line of doses. Our complicated sequence of tones tries to ignite the phenomenon of having a very strong awareness that an experience currently happening has happened in the past, regardless of whether it actually has or not. This includes spiritual and or paranormal alignment and third-eye chakra calculations – unlike our Senti dose which excludes the spiritual. This dose may dislodge memories, experiences or past events that you may have only very briefly experienced, or didn’t fully process or comprehend. We attempt to bring you full perception of an experience, either if or if-not you may have experienced it in the past. It is a wholly unique experience best felt personally.
Sale: $2.81

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