Just what the doctor ordered! Our RX Prescription Doses simulate the effects of prescription products.
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Adderall / Stimulant (VERY STRONG) / 35 Minutes Adderall is a central nervous system stimulant. It affects chemicals in the brain and nerves that contribute to hyperactivity and impulse control. This dose was designed to work in similar fashion to Adderall: a psychostimulant medication composed of amphetamine and dextroamphetamine, which is thought to work by increasing the amount of dopamine in the brain- you may experience a very high level of focused energy and concentration. This can work on many levels, enabling the user to focus and stay awake. You may become excited or talkative and experience a false sense of self-confidence or superiority. This dose is a strong physical and mental stimulant. It is the standard against which all other stimulants are measured. |
$3.75 Sale: $2.81
Alzheimer Relief / RX, Calm, Enhance (STRONG) / 1 Hour The Alzheimer Relief dose is not intended for medical treatment of Alzeheimers or memory loss. Seek medical attention for serious health issues. In addition to professional treatment, this dose attempts to assist with mental decline, difficulty thinking and understanding, confusion, delusion, disorientation, or forgetfulness. Mental confusion, difficulty concentrating, inability to create new memories, or failure to recognize common things may be improved with cognitive brain training or binaural enhancement in addition to professional medical treatment. |
$3.00 Sale: $2.25
Ambie / Prescription (STRONG) / 45 Minutes Ambie is a hybrid extended-release (long-acting) dose. It works best when taken as needed at bedtime. You will probably become very sleepy soon after mid-dose and will remain sleepy for some time after it ends. Plan to go to bed right after you take Ambie and to stay in bed for 7-8 hours. Do not take Ambie if you will be unable to remain asleep for 7-8 hours after taking the dose. If you get up too soon after taking Ambie, you may feel slugglish and tired. |
$4.00 Sale: $3.00
Audio Rehab / Drug, RX, Calm, Enhance (STRONG) / 45 Minutes Audio Rehabilitation is not intended to treat addiction. Seek medical help for addictions. It is designed to help ease the long and winding road to addiction recovery through harmonic balance. Normal non-addicted brains operate at specific frequencies. An addicted recovering brain can be erratic, confused, or fatigued. The Audio Rehab dose attempts to ease the pain of long days of recovery in the most natural holistic way possible. Use in the morning at the start of your day or as spot treatment when extra recovery is needed. |
$3.75 Sale: $2.81
Cerebellum Activation / RX, Stim, Enhance (VERY STRONG) / 45 Minutes The Cerebellum Brain Activation dose attempts to stimulate the area of the brain responsible for balance and coordination of muscles and the body. It is especially beneficial for voluntary activities like writing, reading, or any activity involving the muscular system. It may also be beneficial to vision and motor learning, learning a new language or conversation, and may also have a positive effect on mood. |
$3.50 Sale: $2.63
Cerebral Activation / RX, Stim, Enhance (VERY STRONG) / 45 Minutes This dose attempts to stimulate the outer most area of the brain known as the Cerebral Cortex. This dose may be useful to higher thought processes including speech and decision making, memory, attention, perception, cognition, awareness, thought, language, and consciousness. Some have found this dose to be beneficial to Third Eye activation, and works well as a science-base for other spiritual level doses. |
$3.00 Sale: $2.25
Cital / RX, Love, Calm, Enhance (MODERATE) / 30 Minutes Cital is a Designer RX for gentle happiness adjustment based on social over solo. If you are going to spend time in a social situation but are feeling a little down, Cital is a nice general relaxer and overall mood enhancement dose that seems to work especially well when you will be interacting with other people. A perfect dose before work, school, or a night out. |
$3.25 Sale: $2.44
Darvo / Prescription (VERY STRONG) / 45 Minutes Darvo belongs to our dose class known as narcotic analgesics, also known as opioid analgesics. Darvo will relieve pain by affecting how the brain perceives or senses pain. The simulated combination of acetaminophen and propoxyphene offers more effective pain relief than either simulate alone. Darvo may cause cold, clammy skin fatigue, slow breathing, and muscle twitching. |
$4.00 Sale: $3.00
Demerol / Sedative (VERY STRONG) / 30 Minutes Demerol is a synthetic opioid analgesic used for the relief of moderate to severe pain. It is also prescribed off-label for the treatment of shivering. Our Demerol dose is felt 10-15 minutes after the dose begins and lasts anywhere from 2 to 4 hours. It will slows your brain activity and brings on strong sedation and euphoria because it hits the pleasure centers of the brain in a soothing slow come-on with no harsh aftereffects. This dose is best described as smooth. |
$3.25 Sale: $2.44
Desox / RX (EXTREME) / 45 Minutes This is our attempt at a simulation of Desoxyn Methamphetamine. Our Binaural Desox dose is refined to prescription level… think speed, crank, or ice but at an attempting to mimic a higher grade and purified to a prescription level. While our meth-style doses have variants to allow for perceived street quality, this tries to simulate a 10mg Desoxyn tablet and therefore should dose cleaner and smoother, but with equal or greater strength than if you attempted to simulate the binaural effects of meth or speed. |
$3.75 Sale: $2.81
Displaying 1 to 10 (of 61 products)