Just what the doctor ordered! Our RX Prescription Doses simulate the effects of prescription products.

Product Image Item Name- Price


Zolo / Prescription (VERY STRONG) / 30 Minutes Zolo can be considered a nervous drug, as it can sometimes make you sweaty, shaky. Mixing booze and Zolo can get you drunker, as a side-effect. Can have positive effects on depression, panic, and moderate anxiety. Continued use could help attain a "steady" state. Great to keep at normal mindset for daily operations.
Sale: $3.00

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Xanak / Prescription (VERY STRONG) / 30 Minutes Xanak is a very strong anti-anxxiety. Side effects can include risk-taking behavior, depression, hyperactivity, light-headedness, and muscle twitching. For recreation, expect heavy feelings and dreamy thoughts - calm, relaxed, and even a bit euphoric. A bit like being drunk, just without the sickness or stupidity.
Sale: $3.00

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Vico / Prescription (VERY STRONG) / 30 Minutes Modeled after the effects achieved from a strong dose of Vicodin, this is soon to become one of our most popular prescription doses. It will bring on in waves: improvement of mood, reduction of pain, and extreme euphoria. As the dose nears the end you will feel twinges of light-headedness, sedation, and you will notice a change in focus and attention. Things will drift, lights will fade, and you will feel the massive haze that is one of our most powerful prescription simulations: Vico!
Sale: $3.19

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Viagra / Sexual (STRONG) / 20 Minutes Sildenafil citrate is prescribed in the treatment of Erectile Dysfunction. It is commonly referred to as a "lifestyle drug". Orgasms are initially the same intensity as normal, but the drug allows for new, strong erections minutes after orgasm, and later orgasms are delayed and more intense. Sildenafil is commonly and increasingly used as an aphrodisiac, i.e. to increase sexual desire. Our dose has been designed to be the perfect compliment to sexual activity.
Sale: $2.81

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Valim / Prescription (STRONG) / 30 Minutes Valim is a strong an anti-anxiety dose that simulates changes the chemical balance in the brain and relaxes shakiness, agitation and muscle pain. Rapid onset of action and high efficacy rates which is important for managing acute anxiety, and valim was designed with fast and effective in mind. The dose shows strong signs of tolerance build so it is recommended to use this in moderation.
Sale: $3.00

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Tinnitus Relief

Tinnitus Relief

Tinnitus Relief / RX, Calm, Enhance (STRONG) / 1 Hour The Tinnitus Relief dose is not intended to replace medical treatment but may offer some relief from Tinnitus. Tinnitus is the perception of sound when no actual external noise is present. While it is commonly referred to as ringing in the ears, tinnitus can manifest many different perceptions of sound, including buzzing, hissing, whistling, swooshing, and clicking. Use this dose to ease the sounds in your head. Works well as a preventative measure or as a spot treatment when symptoms appear.
Sale: $2.44

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Thorazine / Prescription (STRONG) / 45 Minutes While not typically used for the recreational effects, Thorazine is still an interesting and worthwhile simulation to experience. It may free your body, unable to think and move, while subtle but substantial effects take hold of your body: tranquilize, it will knock your body out but not your mind, so you may be forced into introspection, deep though, or anxiety with no outlet. It is truly a journey like no other, sedation into complete emptiness.
Sale: $2.81

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Subconscious Cleanse

Subconscious Cleanse

Subconscious Cleanse / Drug, RX, Calm, Enhance (STRONG) / 45 Minutes With addiction, bad choices, or circumstance, comes guilt of varying degrees. If you have something weighing heavy on your mind ... blame, repentance, or despair ... the Subconscious Cleanse dose will attempt to clean your mind of bad thoughts and stabilize a guilty mind. A perfect addition to any stabilization slipstream as this dose works very well with other doses, but also great as a daily morning dose alone. Also good for addiction recovery.
Sale: $2.44

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Stimulation Pituitary

Stimulation Pituitary

Stimulation Pituitary / RX Stim Enhance (STRONG) / 45 Minutes Our Pituitary Stimulation dose is part of, and works well in succession with, the Regeneration Pack. Pair with Cell, DNA, and or Nerve Stimulation doses for a truly powerful SlipStream of doses. While not a direct regeneration of the gland, this dose attempts to enhance production of hormones secreted by the pituitary gland that may aid in growth, improved blood pressure, sexual problems, and metabolism. As a fertility aid, liked to pregnancy and childbirth. Use as a general brain and body health dose or link to other stimulation regeneration doses in series for the maximum effects.
Sale: $2.81

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Stimulation Pack

Stimulation Pack

Stimulation Pack / RX Stim Enhance (VERY STRONG) The Stimulation Pack includes 5 doses designed to motivate the body’s natural systems, with a focus on brain stimulus. Cerebellum to coordinate and regulate muscular activity, Cerebral for memory and attention, Pineal for circadian rhythms, Pituitary for master gland control, and a Spinal Activation for nerve and full body connection. This is one of the most complete collection of full brain activation doses available anywhere. Included Doses: Cerebellum Activation / VERY STRONG / 45 Minutes Cerebral Activation / VERY STRONG / 45 Minutes Pineal Gland Activation / VERY STRONG / 45 Minutes Pituitary Gland Activation / VERY STRONG / 45 Minutes Spinal Activation / VERY STRONG / 45 Minutes
Sale: $9.19

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