
Simulate effects from doses seen in movies, games and books!

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Neuroin / Fictional (VERY STRONG) / 30 Minutes Neuroin: Experience the drastic change from melancholy to euphoric with the gaseous heroin-type drug from the movie Minority Report (TM Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation). It is similar to a heroin high, with amazing enraptured feelings, but with a quicker come-on.
Sale: $2.81

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Think Convergent

Think Convergent

Think Convergent / Enhance Stim Fiction (Strong) / 30 Minutes / An amazing dose in the Contemplation Pack, use this powerful sequence to align your mind for more convergent thinking. This dose is for situations that require less creative thinking. Works perfect for mental straining work or school scenarios, standardized multiple-choice tests for intelligence, work presentations or any high process mentally draining activity. Very operative in circumstances where an answer exists and simply needs to be either recalled through decision strategies.
Sale: $2.81

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Think Creative

Think Creative

Think Creative / Enhance Stim Fiction (Strong) / 30 Minutes / Part of our Contemplation Pack, the Creative Thinking dose is perfect for creatives such as artists, musicians, writers, designers or for anyone in a situation that requires a more creative approve to a problem. This dose may help you look at problems or situations from a fresh perspective that suggests unorthodox solutions, which may look unsettling at first. Creative thinking can be stimulated both by an unstructured process such as brainstorming, and by a structured process such as lateral thinking. The perfect solution to writers block, song writing, painting or drawing, and so much more. A perfect addition to any dose library.
Sale: $2.81

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Think Critical

Think Critical

Think Critical / Enhance Stim Fiction (Strong) / 30 Minutes / The Critical Thinking dose is part of our Contemplation Pack. It is for situations that require the knowledgeably controlled process of actively and competently conceptualizing, applying, investigating, creating, and evaluating information gathered from, or generated by, observation, experience, reflection, reasoning, or communication. It simply attempts to bring clarity, accuracy, precision, consistency, relevance, sound evidence, good reasons, depth, breadth, and fairness to an applied situation. Use in structured thinking processes that require more planned critical thought progression.
Sale: $2.81

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Think Divergent

Think Divergent

Think Divergent / Enhance Stim Fiction (Strong) / 30 Minutes / Divergent Thinking is part of our Contemplation Pack and it for situations that requires the generation of creative ideas. Use in whole exploring many possible solutions to a problem but in a very free and open-form method of doing so in a free-flowing, non-linear manner, such that many ideas are generated in an emergent cognitive fashion. If a direct creative or a direct critical method are not working for you, try a divergent method of thinking that removes a lot of the stress from the thought process and may spur more free form solutions to complex problems.
Sale: $2.81

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V / Fictional (VERY STRONG) / 30 Minutes V: Experience the ultimate high with a recreation of the drug from the series True Blood (TM HBO). It is one of the most life-changing substances one can put into his or her body. The effects of V not only make you an animal in bed, but will also heighten your senses and make you as one with the universe. In fact, doing V with a partner is even better than sex. Literally.
Sale: $2.81

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Skooma / Fictional (VERY STRONG) / 30 Minutes Skooma is a euphoric-inducing drug from the Elder Scrolls games (TM Bethesda Game Studios). It can cause incoherence and mood swings, but delivers a massive increase in energy that is short lived, prompting for continued use.
Sale: $2.63

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Substance D

Substance D

Substance D / Fictional (VERY STRONG) / 30 Minutes Substance D: This is a hardcore psychedelic from the movie A Scanner Darkly (TM Warner Independent Pictures). It causes euphoria and relaxation. The negative side effects are loss of reality, hallucinations, and decreased motor skills (such as talking or walking).
Sale: $2.63

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Spice Melange

Spice Melange

Spice Melange / Fictional (VERY STRONG)/ 30 Minutes Spice Melange is the most intense fictional drug we offer. Described by Frank Herbert in the book Dune, and the movie of the same name (TM De Laurentiis Productions) – it grants the user longer life, increased vitality, and in some people, precognition. Melange gives super-enhanced navigation and higher brain abilities. Side effects include subtle and temporary change in eye color, drowsiness and fatigue, sleepiness.
Sale: $2.44

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Prozium / Stimulant (VERY STRONG) / 30 Minutes The ups and downs of life can hurt. People can feel happy, sad, depressed, all over an entire gambit of moods and stimulations. Prozium is the answer to an evened-out life, mellow and secure, and able to deal with any of the barriers life can throw in front of you. Do you feel angry? Prozium. Do you feel sad? Prozium. Is something just a little off with you today! PROZIUM! Even out your entire day, and be ready for anything. Dose it in the morning, and drift through the day with ease and confidence. Dose it at night, and be able to deal with the trials and tribulations or family, relationships, or inner chaos. This dose will smooth over your soul. You will never feel so even.
Sale: $2.25

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