
Our Stimulant Doses are some of the most advanced experiences for that extra kick of extreme power.

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Cerebellum Activation

Cerebellum Activation

Cerebellum Activation / RX, Stim, Enhance (Very Strong) / 45 Minutes / The Cerebellum Brain Activation dose attempts to stimulate the area of the brain responsible for balance and coordination of muscles and the body. It is especially beneficial for voluntary activities like writing, reading, or any activity involving the muscular system. It may also be beneficial to vision and motor learning, learning a new language or conversation, and may also have a positive effect on mood.
Sale: $2.63

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Energizer / Stimulant (VERY STRONG) / 30 Minutes When you need a little pick me up, you try coffee. When you need to be completely wired, use our Energizer dose! Popular with students and those who need to sometimes pull "all nighters," our Energizer dose was designed to keep you going until the sun comes up with very little crash. Forget the energy drinks and coffee, our Energizer dose is the pure and nature way to stay awake when you just don't have the luxury of sleep.
Sale: $2.63

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Escital / RX, Love, Stim, Enhance (Moderate) / 45 Minutes / Escital is Mood and Energy combined. Since many users often find they want to be in good disposition AND have lots of lasting energy, we have created the first hyper sensitive refined RX vigor and mood dose. Vitality might not always be wanted when you are in a corrupt mood, and sometimes we are in a good mood but lacking drive. Escital is the perfect balance or happiness and energy.
Sale: $2.63

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Love / Love Enhance Stim (Strong) / 30 Minutes / We designed our First Love dose to simulate the feeling of being in love for the first time, think butterflies and excitement. This Love dose is deeper than that. It takes you through moods of a seasoned love, stable, secure and warm. It can enhance an existing love, or attempt to allow those without to have temporary but powerful sensations of adoration and affection. Works great in a SlipStream with Tantric, First Love, Saudade, Chakra Swadhisthana, and Excite doses.
Sale: $2.63

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Love Energy

Love Energy

Love Energy / Love, Stim, Enhance (Strong) / 1 Hour / This is not a love attraction dose, but a harness of pure love energy that emanates from family, friends, and loved ones. Having a spiritually tuned core to this energy may help relationships, family, and your circle of friends, It is also a great source of one of the purest forms of unadulterated energy available anywhere. Feel the love of family, friends, or someone close to you in ways you have never felt before. This will create a bonded connection that helps fortify these networks and offers barriers against negative energy or corrupt vibrations that can tear apart friends, family, or lovers.
Sale: $2.63

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Manifest Anything

Manifest Anything

Manifest Anything / Love, Stim, Calm, Enhance (Strong) / 30 Minutes / This dose works well in combination with the Manifest Abundance dose. While Abundance will bring you a great quantity of what you desire, the Anything dose will define what you want in the equation. While working independently, the greatest effects will come when you slipstream these doses. Have anything you want through positive attraction, and then have an abundance of it. Prevent a random manifestation by visualizing what you want while listening to the Anything Dose, then continue visualization though abundance.
Sale: $2.63

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MultiMillionaire / Love, Stim, Enhance (Strong) / 75 Minutes / This is the strongest money attraction dose offered by iDoser. While other wealth attraction doses could align you for attraction to cash, this dose is intended to turn you into a money magnet. With positive outlook tuning, cognitive brain enhancement, and ion infused energy tones and attraction beats could help you attract large sums of money in the shortest amount of time possible. While not a guarantee, a refined attraction field could greatly increase your chances at wealth.
Sale: $2.63

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Satiation / Enhance Stim (Moderate) / 30 Minutes / Satiation falls under our physique line of body enhancement, workout and diet-style line of ultra-advanced figure and framing doses. While we definitely try and make you feel full and content with this dose, it really goes further by simulating true satisfaction of appetite, entirely. Combine with other diet-style doses or use as part of a physique regime, this dose is a nice addition for professionals and those just looking to supplement a healthy exercise schedule.
Sale: $2.63

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Sleep Healing

Sleep Healing

Sleep Healing / Stim, Calm, Enhance (Very Strong) / 60 Minutes / Our body naturally uses sleep to heal and recharge. Often we miss out on the important sections of our sleep cycles when the most healing takes place. While REM is important, more imperative is a perfectly tuned sleep cycle that hits all critical areas, not just REM. This does aligns your sleep patterns to make sure that each cycle is being hit for the correct amount of time. Listen just before bed for a greatly improved and fine tuned progression that will result in enhanced healing and better restorative benefits.
Sale: $2.63

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Social Dominance

Social Dominance

Social Dominance / Love, Stim, Enhance (Strong) / 30 Minutes / Male or Female, there are always cases where we need to up our social dominance. If you tend to be a Social Subordinate, or just need a little extra push for situations where a more forward approach to being social would be desired. This is a pure form alpha dominance dose that is VERY powerful. Take just before a situation where you will be in company that requires confidence or social dominance. Work, school, or any position where powerful waves of motivation and confidence could be beneficial. This is a critical dose to any collection, and a perfect daily driver for anyone.
Sale: $2.63

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