
Our Stimulant Doses are some of the most advanced experiences for that extra kick of extreme power.

Product Image Item Name Price-
Teasing Fantasy

Teasing Fantasy

Teasing Fantasy / Love, Stim, Enhance (Mild) / 30 Minutes / This dose is simply for those who want to have a mild teasing fantasy instead of the full on erotic powerhouses that some of our other love doses can be. Think of this dose as gentle snuggle, light kissing, and the warmth of that perfect touch or embrace. Not overtly sexual, just a nice simulated fantasy of something light, fun, and gentle. Perfect to enhance a chill session with your partner, or as a virtual solo or asexual tender experience.
Sale: $2.63

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Vital Energy

Vital Energy

Vital Energy / Love, Stim, Enhance (Strong) / 60 Minutes / The Vital Energy dose pulls energy from the energetic universe instead of directly from within yourself, as many other vitality doses do. A spiritual energy attraction is a much different energy than vigor extracted from within self. The universe, the Earth, the ethereal plane, and beyond all contain energy fields that can be drawn from when you are aligned to siphon from these spaces. Open yourself to the energies around you and experience a different kind of vitality that can be both mentally and spiritually beneficial to the overall you.
Sale: $2.63

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AfterAwake / Enhance (Strong) / 45 Minutes / AfterAwake was designed to be a first-thing in the morning dose as a soul cleanser, boost of unparalleled energy with no crash, and the tuning you need to have a successful and happy day. Precisely developed to be part of a daily dosing regimen, AfterAwake can be a vitamin for your mind and open pathways to supreme productivity. Full day brain tuning is here after years of intense research and development. See if it has a lasting effect on your day.
Sale: $2.44

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Air Vibration

Air Vibration

Air Vibration / Love, Calm, Enhance (Strong) / 45 Minutes / The Air we breathe supplies us with life and is a major force of nature. It is also a nutrient source of pure spiritual vibration. Use this dose to align your primary energies to air vibrations. These are a major source of vitality, continued strength, health, and power. Works especially well for long walks in the open air. Breath in the vital energy while positioning your spiritual core to the powerful vibrations of the air.
Sale: $2.44

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Appetence / Enhance Stim (Moderate) / 30 Minutes / Appetence falls under our physique line of body enhancement, workout and diet-style line of ultra-advanced figure and framing doses. We designed this dose for those who need to maintain a high caloric diet, and we attempt to power-up the body’s natural ability to propagate intense desire. Trigger a strong natural craving, and most importantly, an appetite. If needing to be hungry, or want to initiate a deep and strong craving during boring supplemental meals, this may be the dose for you.
Sale: $2.44

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Earth Vibration

Earth Vibration

Earth Vibration / Love, Calm, Enhance (Strong) / 45 Minutes / Planet Earth is our center to the universe and one of the strongest sources of powerful vital vibrations. This is the ultimate spiritual alignment dose for harnessing these potent earth vibrations for chakra grounding, leveraging, grounding, and strength. Rooting yourself in the center of the Earths vibrational field offers powerful protection and an intense source of vital energy. Use daily in the morning for continued all day alignment and powerful leveraging of one of the most powerful sources of energy available anywhere.
Sale: $2.44

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Family Energy

Family Energy

Family Energy / Love, Stim, Enhance (Strong) / 1 Hour / Your Family is your most important asset. They are a continuous source of love and energy, but can also cause headaches, stress and anxiety. Use the Family Energy dose to protect your loved ones with spiritual energy and to harness good energy for continuous tuning and better communication. Help your family get along, and hold tightly together, as one of the strongest sources of love and power available anywhere. This is the ultimate Family Meditation for energy and protection.
Sale: $2.44

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Focus / Enhance (Strong) / 45 Minutes / Focus is part of our daily regimen. It is a good work, school, or middle-day dose to help to achieve microscopic levels of understanding, pinpoint levels of attentive concentration, and opens your mind to knowledge and understanding. In addition it obliterates writers block, procrastination and laziness. It helps you achieve results in anything requiring brain cycles, and gives you the competitive edge in almost anything you do. Designed to be dosed daily, focus could aid in almost all facets of your life.
Sale: $2.44

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Friend Energy

Friend Energy

Friend Energy / Love, Stim, Enhance (Strong) / 1 Hour / Your friends are critically important to you. They are a source of love, joy, and celebration. Nobody is perfect, and friends can also cause stress, drama, and anxiety. Protect your tight knit group of friends and harness their positive energy for continued protection and comradely for you and those close to you. This is the ultimate companion meditation for spiritual protective energy from drama or stress while protecting and growing the bond between friends.
Sale: $2.44

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Home Energy

Home Energy

Home Energy / Love, Stim, Enhance (Strong) / 1 Hour / Your home is a very import aspect of your life. If you rent, buy, live alone, or have a large family then the Home Energy dose is a critical dose for grounding energy and protection. Create a protective spiritual barrier, but also draw root energy that is only supplied where your spiritual core considers home. Keep out negative vibrations that might seep into your home base and keep only pure form energy in your sanctuary. Then draw unadulterated power from your home, making it not just a home, but an vitality supplying fortress.
Sale: $2.44

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