
Enhance almost any aspect of life with our enhancement line of doses.

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Gamma / Pure (25.00-34.75 HZ) / 30 Minutes Gamma is associated with information-rich task processing and high-level information processing "A New Theory of Consciousness" For scientists who study the human brain, even its simplest act of perception is an event of astonishing intricacy. Gamma brain activity may be a kind of binding mechanism. Gamma waves serve to connect structures in the cortex where advanced information processing occurs, and the thalamus, a lower brain region where complex relay and integrative functions are carried out. Gamma pulses are thought to lead to synchronization and coordination of neurons assigned to the processing of incoming sensory stimulation. Put in computerese, Gamma may be the brain's operating system frequency.
Sale: $2.44

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Genderize / Sex (Extreme) / 1 Hour / Genderize is an advanced sexuality dose. This is a complete binaural session designed to simulate a gender swap including thoughts of, body harmonics, and mental-physical reactions. It is bi-directional, meaning from male-female or female-male with the subtle middle ground felt throughout the transformation. We use various methods, including charka align and misalignment, sexuality detuning, and endorphin control. Great dose for the curious and in-transition alike.
Sale: $3.00

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Gray Gone

Gray Gone

Gray-B-Gone / Experimental (Moderate) / 30 Minutes We are not going to lie: Gray-B-Gone will not bring a head of gray hair back to color. This is an experimental dose for a reason: at 1.05hz the brain triggers the release of our growth hormones. In various labs, over extended use, binaural technicians have found that this forced release of growth hormone has brought intriguing reports of some gray hair returning to its original color, or the seemingly slowing of gray hair growth. This seems to happen when the user is subjected only to longer doses at the 1.05hz mark. Use at your own risk, we offer Gray-B-Gone as an Experimental dose.
Sale: $2.25

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Group Fantasy

Group Fantasy

Group Fantasy / Love, Stim, Enhance (Very Strong) / 45 Minutes / Whether looking to experience and enhance a real group erotic session or simply to visualize though in mind virtual binaural dosing, the Group Fantasy session can truly be an amazing experience. Use during group experiences or during a solo session to feel the effects of multiple partners across your body. A truly erotic and refined experience that will give full body arousal and climax of the utmost strength.
Sale: $2.81

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HandsFree Orgasm

HandsFree Orgasm

HandsFree Orgasm / Stim Enhance Love (Intense) / 45 Minutes / IDoser invented the concept of binaural based simulated orgasms with our Orgasm and Multiple Orgasm doses. We spent years refining those doses to come up with the ultimate masturbation, solo or shared sexual experience with our HandsFree Orgasm dose. While our orgasm based doses have always been great for sex or masturbation, this dose is next level as it tries to tune your body in such a way that you orgasm or multiple orgasm intensely without ever touching yourself or being touched. Learn what made Orgasm our best selling dose ever as we amp the sexuality frequency to its max. Not recommended for use in public, for obvious reasons.
Sale: $3.19

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Happy Pack

Happy Pack

The Happy Pack contains for 5 of our designer exultant doses that range in strength so you have something for any mood you are currently in. From the light-hearted Cital, progressing though the serene Duloax, to the energy enhanced Escital, the powerful Fluox, and the relationship centric Parox for group healing – there is something in the collection to match any bad mood or depressive session you are in and quickly reverse.
Sale: $9.71

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Hear / Sense Simulations / 15 Minutes A breakthrough in binaural dosing, I-Doser sense simulations can be used to greatly enhance your daily life. Use one of our intricately designed audio doses prior to having a real-life sense experience. Your brain will be finely tuned so you have a more visceral and intense occasion. Improve life events like concerts, theatre, music, dining, outdoor events, dating, and so much more. Slipstream multiple doses for heightened effects. Take life to the next level. Hear - Opens new avenues of music and helps you truly experience the intricate aural details of concerts and festivals. Open your mind to lessons, lectures, and mentorship. Enhance movies, television, and games.
Sale: $2.81

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HGH / Steroid (Very Strong) / 30 Minutes Our HGH super processed dose is a perfect addition to sports or exercise regimes. It starts with a high energy pack that hits in minutes. It attempts to cause a biometabolism brain sequence that triggers a subtle growth and cell reproduction and regeneration, performing a muscle repair for greater strength and gain through your process. This is also a perfect addition to our other steroid doses. Use JuiceIT right before your session, victory just before a competition, and HGH during your body repair and re-workout cycle.
Sale: $3.38

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Home Energy

Home Energy

Home Energy / Love, Stim, Enhance (Strong) / 1 Hour / Your home is a very import aspect of your life. If you rent, buy, live alone, or have a large family then the Home Energy dose is a critical dose for grounding energy and protection. Create a protective spiritual barrier, but also draw root energy that is only supplied where your spiritual core considers home. Keep out negative vibrations that might seep into your home base and keep only pure form energy in your sanctuary. Then draw unadulterated power from your home, making it not just a home, but an vitality supplying fortress.
Sale: $2.44

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Home Protection

Home Protection

Home Protection / Love, Calm, Enhance (Strong) / 30 Minutes / Create a celestial protection field around your home and guard your home, family, and belongings from harm. Home Protection focuses positive harmonic energy pulled from your brainwaves to create a cosmic barrier around your dwelling. Fuel daily by listening and visualizing protection, and force negativity and potential harm away from where you live. Protect what your own by filling the area with protective vibes that will keep lasting fortification on your house and home.
Sale: $2.44

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