Bath Salts / Drug (EXTREME) / 1 Hour
Bath Salts is a binaural dose intended to simulate the effects of an insanely dangerous synthetic drug mixture. Ivory Wave, Purple Wave, Vanilla Sky, and Bliss- no matter the street name, you can now attempt to feel the effects of this dangerous concoction without any of the dangers. Warning: This is a strong mixture of attempted hallucinogenic-delusional type properties, extreme superhuman strength and combativeness, and powerful stimulant effects- but with an extremely dark edge. This mixture is intended for advanced binaural doing only.

Bath Salts / Drug (EXTREME) / 1 Hour
Bath Salts is a binaural dose intended to simulate the effects of an insanely dangerous synthetic drug mixture. Ivory Wave, Purple Wave, Vanilla Sky, and Bliss- no matter the street name, you can now attempt to feel the effects of this dangerous concoction without any of the dangers. Warning: This is a strong mixture of attempted hallucinogenic-delusional type properties, extreme superhuman strength and combativeness, and powerful stimulant effects- but with an extremely dark edge. This mixture is intended for advanced binaural doing only.

Current Reviews: 3
This product was added to our catalog on Monday 21 April, 2014.