Death / Premium Spirit (EXTREME) / 45 Minutes
This dose is part of our Macabre line of dark-dose experiences and comes after hundreds of requests from fans who want to experience the darker sides of life or, more specifically, of death. While we have doses like Suicide that adds the addition of pain and a darker element, the easier Twilight dose and the refined NDE experience of Near Death – the Death dose is all out complete darkness and the unknown. It has the potential for both beautiful vistas and absolute evil. We don’t ease you in, we drop you head first. We don’t ease you out, we yank you by your feet in sometimes painful ways. The voices may be angelic or demonic, and only the dose listener can really describe this truly chaotic adventure. Please. Advanced dosers only.

Death / Premium Spirit (EXTREME) / 45 Minutes
This dose is part of our Macabre line of dark-dose experiences and comes after hundreds of requests from fans who want to experience the darker sides of life or, more specifically, of death. While we have doses like Suicide that adds the addition of pain and a darker element, the easier Twilight dose and the refined NDE experience of Near Death – the Death dose is all out complete darkness and the unknown. It has the potential for both beautiful vistas and absolute evil. We don’t ease you in, we drop you head first. We don’t ease you out, we yank you by your feet in sometimes painful ways. The voices may be angelic or demonic, and only the dose listener can really describe this truly chaotic adventure. Please. Advanced dosers only.

Current Reviews: 2
This product was added to our catalog on Wednesday 06 May, 2015.