Sound Bath Pack / Love Calm Spirit Enhance (STRONG)
The Sound Bath Pack is the perfect toolkit for creating ambient Sound Baths at home. Popular in high end spa and relaxation centers around the world, you can now do a full sound bath harmonic alignment at home. Each dose works perfectly as a single dose, but slipstream them for amazing sound sessions. With Alignment, Cognition Enhancement, Healing, Inner Reflection, and Sound Therapy – this collection of doses as a must have for any spiritualist or general user of healing sound.

Included Doses:
Sound Alignment / STRONG / 60 Minutes
Sound Cognition / STRONG / 60 Minutes
Sound Healing / STRONG / 60 Minutes
Sound Reflection / STRONG / 60 Minutes
Sound Therapy / STRONG / 60 Minutes

Sound Bath Pack / Love Calm Spirit Enhance (STRONG)
The Sound Bath Pack is the perfect toolkit for creating ambient Sound Baths at home. Popular in high end spa and relaxation centers around the world, you can now do a full sound bath harmonic alignment at home. Each dose works perfectly as a single dose, but slipstream them for amazing sound sessions. With Alignment, Cognition Enhancement, Healing, Inner Reflection, and Sound Therapy – this collection of doses as a must have for any spiritualist or general user of healing sound.

Included Doses:
Sound Alignment / STRONG / 60 Minutes
Sound Cognition / STRONG / 60 Minutes
Sound Healing / STRONG / 60 Minutes
Sound Reflection / STRONG / 60 Minutes
Sound Therapy / STRONG / 60 Minutes

Current Reviews: 0
This product was added to our catalog on Tuesday 07 November, 2017.