Designer Pack
Price: $6.50 $6.50 Sale: $4.88
Date Added: 06/24/2014 by philippe lavoie
this dose pack is really drilling. passing from prozium and having your brain traveling at 1000 miles per hour, not caring anything and just being well to genesis, where all your mind and body feels like it is being renewed and feeling like if you just reborn,then moving to divinorum, where you just feel like you see what you did right and wrong, like if a camera recorded all the actions you did in your life and they were just showing it to you, and then you realize new things about you you did not know. the dose pack will entertain you and at the same make you discover a new "you", and you will gain new insights about everything around you. it really do Worth the price, since you have 1 free dose by buying the pack(the price is equivalent to 2 doses and you receive 3; prozium, divinorum and genesis). 5 stars!!!