
Price: $3.50
Sale: $2.63

Date Added: 10/31/2016 by Kris McElhaney
I purchased this dose along with Alert , Speed, Ritalin, and Adderall, and I plan on purchasing more energizing doses such as Desox, Cocaine, and Adrenaline - as well as the quick hits. I love uppers so I keep myself at bay and use binaurals instead. I use those doses as my morning playlist to wake me up and I must say that it does it's job very well. I have been able to quit my caffeine addiction and rely on these binaurals. I have noticed that the effects from my playlist lasts all day after I finish my session and I am still only barely tired at the end of the day. I noticed after listening to the Energizer dose I already feel wide awake and alert. After my playlist I feel as if I took almost 400mg of caffeine, which is great! Thank you I-Doser for you continuous efforts to give us high quality doses! And for the record, I feel the effects every time I listen as Dosing just requires practice.
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