Price: $3.00 Sale: $2.25
Date Added: 07/09/2021 by Laszlo Tuske
It was my 3rd time listening this. First time I felt my arms and legs going numb, and after a short time I felt some strange feeling over my whole body but only for a couple minutes, and soon the dose ended. My second time was a failure, might be because of using in-ear headsets I am not sure. The third time was 10 minutes ago and HOLY MOLY. I listened to Ecstasy first and I although felt great, nothing serious (will give a try again later) and right after that I started Masochist. I laid back, eyes covered, lights out, focusing on the sounds. The same numbness of arms and legs started but way sooner, and after a couple minutes I started to feel fear and pain, ALL OVER MY BODY. It was not like when you burn yourself, or a whip strikes you... I can't tell what kind of pain it was because it was just INTERNAL PAIN. I was squuezing my eyes and teeth just like when you are in big pain, I was gasping for air and felt my whole body is tingling, numbing and being in pain. After 2-3 minutes it slowly faded away, but after a couple more minutes it came back. Same whole body feeling. This feeling came 3 times before the dose ended. After that I was laying on my back not moving and thinking about the whole wonderful stimulation I just received. I was kinda like what you feel after a BDSM session. Definitely my favourite so far. _3