
Price: $3.00
Sale: $2.25

Date Added: 07/21/2012 by Mason Rausten
This dose. It is amazing but boring, invigorating but calming, hazy but clear. I can find no other way to describe it. This dose came on at a moderate beat speed that rose and fell throughout the entire dose. It created one of the strangest feelings I have ever experienced. It was a lot like the description: I was drunk but I wasn't. Even with my eyes closed, I felt as if i could see through my eyelids and could see my lights and fan moving slightly; as if I was moving slightly. And then, there it was: the insight that made this dose intrigue me. Anything i thought of while listening to the dose became instantly clear. Simple ideas became complex, Small ideas I thought to be stupid became practical. It was if some force was refining my thought to their purest form. The dose let go and then everything became slightly more blurry. Some effects remained, however, such as I feel as if I am thinking at a higher level then I normally do at 0800 in the morning. This dose was very interesting. It feels if somebody goes through your mind and sifts through your thoughts and finds the ones that mean the most to you and refines them before adding to them. I must say this was great but if your looking for something exciting, this isn't for you. Try a newer "street drug" dose or a designer dose if you want something crazy/fun.
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