
Price: $3.25
Sale: $2.44

Date Added: 10/25/2015 by Lukash Zalubniak
As a student I love this dose. It provides a wonderful amalgam of memory retention, critical pedagogical thinking, and assisted focusing. Definitely a good option if you're struggling with remembering what you've learned or applying this new knowledge. However it is important to to note that this dose does have some lower tones and heavier troughs in its wave pattern. If you're mind is already taxed studying, this may just tip you over and end up exhausting you. in my earlier uses I found myself nodding off frequently when I used it while studying. My recommendation: dose before or after a study/work session for best results and the longest impact overall. But again, one of my favourites and definitely a great help in my learning and university career.Happy Dosing!
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