
Price: $3.95
Sale: $2.96

Date Added: 07/20/2012 by Naomi Robokoff
Now mind you this is my personal opinion as well as my personal experience. Take this review with a grain of salt and use it to aid in your decision of purchasing the dose which can be found here. The beginning of this dose was expected. It was very boring, however before I knew it I lost my bearing. I did not know which way was up regardless of the fact I could feel gravities pull. The book Rendezvous with Rama depicted this feeling best. There were multiple points of views one could take. Was I a fly on the wall looking across the way? Was I at the top looking down? Or was I at the bottom looking up. I couldn't tell. Throughout the beginning of the dose there were sudden jumps in volume which spook me and remind me that I don't know where I am. My sheets became heavy and I could feel gravity pulling on me as if I was in some sort of graviton. It pulled me tighter and tighter onto the bed. Finally the dose began to pick up in speed. I felt as if I was strapped to a rocket hurdling into space. The dose went faster and faster. The G-Force was nearly unbearable. I still had no idea which way was down but at this point I begin to feel orbital gravity as if while I was launching into space I was rotating slowly on a single axis. The pressure finally begins to release. The dose transforms into a white noise washing sound from side to side. I broke free of all gravity and suddenly pressure built up inside my body. The lack of pressure on the outside of my body allowed for expansion of my molecules. I was as far as I could tell, in space. I was floating and rotating in a zero gravity environment. The sensation made me nauseous like I was about to throw up. I continued to spin in an endless free fall and the dose finally started coming down. It gently rested me back on earth with all my bearing. I knew up from down and I was thankful to feel the earth spinning beneath me. All in all this dose is amazing and if you have a couple extra bucks I highly recommend getting this one. Many dosers asked for a thrill ride dose like a roller coaster and this is it. Consider your wishes granted. This dose is also by far the most intense and powerful dose I ever experienced. Coming from a seasoned Dosing Veteran this dose is truly an Extreme Dose. Thanks for reading!
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