Price: $4.25 Sale: $3.19
Date Added: 10/05/2020 by Mandy Kist
I have chronic pain which was the reason I bought this Fentanyl dose. I heard Fentanyl is much stronger than other opiates like morphine. Anyway, all I have to say is WOW!!! After 20-25 minutes of listening to this while laying in my quiet bedroom, this beat TOTALLY knocked me out! But in a good way. I especially felt the effects when I stood up. It totally tranquilized me, took away my pain entirely, calmed me down, and gave me euphoria! My pain went from an 8 to a 1 after listening to this. It relaxed all my muscles, too. It also stopped my sweating and perspiration (a side effect I get when my blood pressure is up due to my pain). The effects lasted for several hours. I highly recommend this to anyone who is suffering from severe pain. I can now turn to this when I?m low on my pain medication (or don?t want to take it). It works just as well, if not even better!