Bath Salts
Price: $6.75 Sale: $5.06
Date Added: 12/27/2021 by Yaroslav Krylov
Effect is light and subtle but weird. The first dose brought me nothing but "taste of anesthesia" on my tongue and a lump in my throat. The second one (after a few days) added some dizziness to these feelings. I turned off my monitor and found a small stain on it. The stain started dancing and resulted in pareidolia - it turned to a face, then to a wyvern and again to a face, but looking opposite direction. I found keeping my eyes open too difficult, but when I closed them, immediately fell asleep. I woke up rather soon because my right hand started twitching. I had to drink a lot of water to get rid of that "lump in my throat" feeling. Good stuff for everyone who wants to become sleepy and disoriented.