
Price: $3.00
Sale: $2.25

Date Added: 09/02/2022 by Blake Kinnaman
This dose is truly euphoric. While listening to this dose I was numb, anxious, scared, and astral projecting. 10 years ago, I had surgery. In astral projection land, I was reliving that experience. The couch my real body was on felt like a gourney that was being urgently rushed through the halls *turning corners, etc.) to get to the surgery room. Once there, I could feel the anesthesia mask being put on me as I slowly grew numb. As I started to experience the numbness, I felt my hand being squeezed by the surgeon (friendly reassurance squeeze). Then, as if the anesthesia did not work correctly, I felt a suddenly felt a sharp blade cutting through my chest .... I immediately work up, heart pounding.
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